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Membership subscriptions are due by 1 April when a new lock will be put on the court gate. Please return your completed form, subscription and last year’s key (and any others you may have lurking around!) to the secretary. Cheques payable to Braughing Tennis Club. *THERE IS A CHARGE OF £5 PER KEY IF YOU ARE A NEW MEMBER OR DO NOT RETURN YOUR OLD KEY. If joining after 1st April, the start of the club membership year, then fees will be pro-rata to the remaining months.
A) Family: 2 adults & children (under 21, unemployed/full time education)
£110 before 1st April or £120 after 1st April.
B) Adult: £65 Paid before 1st April or £75 after 1st April.
C) Non Playing £18.00 Paid before 1st April or£23.00 after 1st April .
D) Juniors: (13-21) £40.00 Paid before 1st April or £50.00 after 1st April
There is a £10 key charge per season.
Floodlight Cards are £1.00 per half hour. (Available from Denis Clough 07972-519896)
If you are interested in joining please complete the form below and the secretary will send you an application form
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